Ultimate Office Tools is a Chrome new tab extension that features an ideal collection of office tools that enables end-users to access and open documents right from the browser. This kit features access to Google Translate, Sheets, Docs, Slides, Forms and Keep, in addition to a search bar powered by Bing for easy web browsing online. With this package, users can run everyday tasks conveniently at the comfort of their homes.
How to get started
Ultimate Office Tools is a new tab extension which is integrated into Chrome for reliable results. Users are required to sign into their chrome accounts before downloading the extension in order to access the package.
The search engine on the new tab will change to Bing.com once downloaded.
The package is easy to use and user-friendly. It does not store or share any personal information, financial details or authentication permissions.

The program comes with features that include;
- Easier and fast access to programs such as Google Translate, Sheets, Docs, Slides, Forms and Keep
- Fast and reliable web search powered by Bing.com
- Exclusive view time
The extension requires your permission to access the Office tools linked to your Chrome account. It also requires this permission to allow new tabs display the Ultimate Office Tools extension with the features including the background image, time and customised search.
Ultimate Office Tools does not save or share any user credentials. For details on information collected, please refer to our Privacy Policy.
By clicking "Install Now", I accept and agree to install the "Ultimate Office tools" extension and hereby agree to set Chrome New Tab to that provided by the service and the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.